Life is a constant process of change.

We support changes in your business.

Life is a constant process of change.

We support changes in your business.

Grupa SSW łączy w sobie siłę doświadczenia w wielu branżach oraz wiedzy z poziomu zarówno twardego jak i miękkiego zarządzania.

About us.

SSW Management is a consulting and training company. Our interdisciplinary team helps our Clients reinvent themselves. We build strategy and support the growth of brands – the primary goal is the success of our Client. The SSW team consists of people with diverse experience. We have minds full of innovative ideas that we would like to share with our Clients and create captivating storytelling because we strongly believe that every brand deserves its own, individual story.                                        

Our services

It is never a matter of the change itself. It is always about HOW it is approached. Our services are designed to be fully customized to you and your business. It’s a three-step process of analysis, offer, and action, with frequent checkpoints to make sure you’re getting the best possible service from us.


We advise brands on image and marketing. We build a strategy. We look for new solutions, listen to our clients and try to develop a common plan of action. Your brand can count on our support at every stage of the collaboration – from creative brainstorming to constructive evaluation of the implemented process.

Training courses.

In addition to consulting, we also organize training. Our clients want to grow – SSW is committed to making it happen.

We organize training in a wide range of areas, including:

  • Project management training
  • Optimization of processes based on LEAN philosophy
  • Development of promotion processes and product branding
  • Revenue generation

And these are only some of the possibilities!


As SSW, we will also organize an event for you. We believe that networking is one of the most important aspects of brand development, which is why we organize industry gatherings where our clients have the opportunity to spread their wings.
SSW eventy ma we krwi.

Mover is a no-nonsense magazine that features expert commentary on business trends and news. With the Mover, we want to educate and inspire our readers. In our magazine you will find articles on communication, a dash of business, and many expert opinions on marketing and planning. Our field of interest is constantly expanding and we are not closing our eyes to anything – there is much more to come in the next issues!

    Contact us.
    We would be happy to provide you with a dedicated offer for consulting, training or comprehensive change management services. The first step is up to you.
    SSW Management

    ul. Wiślana 8,
    00-371 Warszawa,

    ul. Potworowskiego 4

    60-209 Poznań

    ul. Hetmańska 25
    15-727 Białystok
    phone +48 607 180 090
    NIP: 525 28 96 984